July 2, 2012

Recognizing that the strength of FBA is in the vitality of its Chapters, the North Alabama Chapter hereby adopts the following Membership Plan. The Plan is guided by FBA’s Best Membership Practices: (1) RETAIN existing members, (2) ATTRACT new members, and (3) LEAD by having a designated Chapter leader who is responsible for execution of the Chapter’s Membership Plan.

    • North Alabama Chapter will have a specified leader who is responsible for Membership. This leader will be the Membership Chair, a position in leadership ladder. For the purposes of this Plan, the designated leader will be called the “Membership Chair.”
    • If the Membership Chair determines the need for a Membership Committee, then the Chair shall appoint members within the first month of taking office. The Committee will be responsible for assisting the Membership Chair with implementation of this Plan. Because of the small size of the North Alabama Chapter, there is not at this time a Membership Committee.
    • North Alabama Chapter recognizes that all Chapter Officers and members should be engaged in membership. To this end, the President of the North Alabama Chapter will include Membership in its regular agendas, where the Membership Chair, or his designee, will provide an update as to the monthly membership numbers supplied by FBA National and upcoming membership efforts.
    North Alabama Chapter will retain existing members and attract new members in two ways: engaging in personal outreach and providing excellent programming.
    1. Personal outreach
      1. Retaining existing members
        1. The Membership Chair, or his designee (or a member of the Membership Committee, if appointed), will personally contact existing Chapter members when notified by FBA National that the existing members are coming due on renewal. The contact may be by telephone, e-mail, or letter, and it will highlight benefits of FBA membership and the Chapter. The contact will provide contact information for the Membership Chair and will encourage the existing member to renew.
        2. The Membership Chair, or his designee (or a member of the Membership Committee), will personally contact each renewing Chapter member to thank them for renewing and recognizing their support for FBA. The contact will also invite the member to upcoming event(s).
        3. The Membership Chair, or his designee (or a member of the Membership Committee), will personally contact each non-renewing Chapter member once to encourage them to renew. The contact will remind the non-renewing member of the benefits of FBA.
      2. Attracting new members
        1. The Membership Chair, along with all Chapter Officers, will strive to invite at least one new person to an event each year.
        2. The Membership Chair or his designee will reach out to include U.S. Attorneys, Active Duty military attorneys and judicial law clerks in events.
        3. The Membership Chair will work with the Chapter’s Newer/Younger Lawyers Committee to coordinate efforts in this regard.
    2. Programming
      1. When the North Alabama Chapter plans any Chapter event, it will consider how the event will further the Chapter’s goals of retaining existing members and attracting new members. The Chapter will strive to implement the strongest programming possible in order to demonstrate the value of membership. The Chapter will also invite the judiciary to attend its events.
      2. At each Chapter event, upcoming events and encouragement to join will be included in either introductory or concluding remarks.
      3. At each Chapter event, membership applications will be available at the check-in area, along with CLE certificates if applicable.
      4. After each Chapter event, the Membership Chair, or his designee (or a member of the Membership Committee), will contact any non-FBA members who attended and encourage them to join FBA and attend future events.
      5. The Chapter will strive to hold events that not only provide legal programming, but networking and social opportunities. In addition, the Chapter will hold events that are of interest of varying groups, whether that be litigators, bankruptcy attorneys, or younger attorneys.
      6. The Chapter will co-sponsor or advertise Chapter events with other organizations who share similar interests or goals (e.g., for an intellectual property CLE, the Chapter will coordinate with the state bar’s intellectual property section).
      7. When possible, the North Alabama Chapter will provide a cost benefit that encourages membership, such as reduced fees for existing members or those who join at an event.
      8. The North Alabama Chapter will hold at least one Free member appreciation luncheon per year and will hold at least one Free social event targeting members and new members each year (for example, the reception in conjunction with the annual Government Acquisition Symposium). When possible the Chapter will hold at least one Free CLE event as part of a membership campaign (for example, a luncheon speaker for Free lunch and Free CLE).
      9. The North Alabama Chapter will partner with the Huntsville/Madison County Bar Association and offer programs that are meaningful to both groups. When possible the Chapter will advertise Huntsville/Madison County Bar programs as Free and will pay the costs associated with North Alabama Chapter Members participation (Huntsville/Madison County Bar programs average $5/person and offer 1 hour of CLE).

Cindy Van Rassen
President, North Alabama Chapter