Welcome to the Hawai`i Chapter of the Federal Bar Association. Our chapter now has nearly 200 members statewide, including attorneys in private practice, government agencies and military branches, as well as members of the judiciary and law professors.

We are committed to serving the needs of federal practitioners throughout the State of Hawai`i, offering opportunities to learn, to foster collegiality, and to network. This includes Q&A sessions with the Ninth Circuit judges, an annual conference in December, as well as CLE brownbag seminars throughout the year at the United States District Court courthouse on a range of topics for both civil and criminal practitioners. This year’s lineup will cover effective motions practice, discovery disputes, qualifying experts in Federal Court, attorneys’ fees dos and don’ts, and more.

If you are not already a member, we invite you to join the FBA Hawai`i Chapter. To learn more, we encourage you to contact any of our board members with questions.