Share your story! If your chapter received a grant from the Foundation of the Federal Bar Association, we want to know what you were able to achieve as a result. We may use these responses on our Web site, social media sites and various publications.

Note: Grant recipients are required to submit this follow-up report within 45 days after completion of the project/program or not later than six (6) months after the grant is awarded.

Diversity Grant Follow-up Report
Describe your project, especially any changes from your proposal. Tell us what a grant from the Foundation of the Federal Bar Association meant to you and your organization. Tell us how this grant addressed the elimination of bias or the promotion of diversity. Could this project be replicated by another FBA chapter, section, division, or member-supported organization?
Give evidence of changes or improvements that you personally experienced and/or that you observed as a result of this project. What was the total number of individuals served by this project? What was the total number of FBA volunteers engaged? How was the program evaluated? Did this meet or exceed your project goals?
Describe how you spent the funds you were awarded, explaining any differences from your proposed budget.
Will this project continue? Where will the financial support come from?

Maximum file size: 15.36MB

We strongly encourage you to provide high-quality digital photos that visually describe your story, along with brief captions identifying who is pictured, so that we may share your successes.