Message from the President

Welcome to the Chattanooga Chapter of the Federal Bar Association. With just over 100 members, we are an active Chapter offering regular CLE opportunities, lunches with federal judges, socials to network and learn more about federal practice, mentoring opportunities, nationwide federal practice resources, and opportunities to help serve the judiciary and the public. The Chapter also focuses on civic outreach in the community, holding events for the public to learn more about the federal judiciary. For most of us, our work centers around federal court practice in Chattanooga or the surrounding community and membership is an invaluable asset.  More…


Chapter Boundaries

Membership in the Chattanooga Chapter is comprised of any active member of the Federal Bar Association who resides or has his...

Historical Society

The Historical Society of Tennessee is looking for new members. In March, you should have received a letter from Don...

Future CLE Programs

The Association is looking for ways to serve its members. If you have ideas for programs, events or CLE, please...

School Tours

The association provides tours of the federal courthouse as part of its community outreach program. We are looking for new...